GI/Liver Pathology Fellowship

This is a non-ACGME certified fellowship which provides one year of experience in diagnostic gastrointestinal, liver, pancreaticobiliary and transplant pathology. Cases include a wide spectrum of non-neoplastic, neoplastic and allograft pathology, received from the state-of-the-art UW Health/Carbone Cancer Center Hepatobiliary Oncologic and Transplantation Surgical Services, from the Digestive Health Center and the Middleton Memorial VA hospital (approximately 18,500 GI cases annually, including 450 medical/allograft liver biopsies and 300 extramural consultations). The surgical pathology division has a modern workspace with cutting-edge facilities, including telepathology and whole slide imaging software. The department also benefits from strong in-house research (TRIP) and molecular diagnostic laboratories.

The GI/Liver pathology fellow participates on the GI/Liver subspecialty services, undergoes a frozen section ‘hot seat’ rotation in general pathology, participates in many multidisciplinary conferences (medical liver biopsy, and colorectal, pancreaticobiliary, UWH/VA regional liver transplant and molecular tumor boards), and is involved in teaching of pathology residents and medical students. Based on the candidate’s proficiency and performance, there may be opportunities for independent sign out and laboratory management projects. Elective time is also available, and the fellow is highly encouraged to participate in translational research projects related to GI and Liver pathology. Overall, the fellowship is aimed at developing academic and leadership skills to thrive as an expert in GI/Liver pathology.


Academic Year Status
2024-2025 Filled
2025-2026 Open: Apply Here
2026-2027 Open: Apply Here
2027-2028 Opening Spring 2025

Certification or Board eligibility in combined Clinical and Anatomic Pathology, or in Anatomic Pathology.


Interested applicants should prepare a cover letter, current CV, and three letters of references.

For more information, please contact:

Rashmi Agni, MD Director of GI/Liver Pathology Fellowship
University of Wisconsin Hospital & Clinics
3170-10N MFCB
1685 Highland Ave
Madison, WI 53705


Sara Gross
(608) 262-7158


Rashmi Agni, MD

Saryn Doucette, MD
Shelly Cook, MD
Elizabeth Richards, MD
Igor Slukvin, MD, PhD
Ryan Sappenfield, MD
Current Fellow

Charles Rohrer, MD

Past Fellows

2019-2020 Purabi Dhakras, MD
2020-2021 Krisztian Kovacs, MD
2021-2022 Prachi Raut, MD
2022-2023 Jane Lee, MD
2023-2024 Joseph Krenzer, MD