Performing significant research during pathology residency has become more difficult, especially within the 4 year AP/CP program requirements. Our department tries to facilitate and enhance resident research in two major ways. First, the department has funds set aside for resident research that require only a brief description of the work proposed and can be quickly dispersed to get your project underway. Thus, residents with limited time are not beholden to a faculty member’s ability to write for and obtain a complete grant before preliminary studies, and in many cases the entire project, can be performed. Second, the Translational Research in Pathology (TRIP) laboratory is a departmental resource that provides expertise and necessary equipment to perform a variety of scientific endeavors, including laser-capture microdissection, construction of tissue microarrays, real-time PCR, AQUA microscropic quantitation of fluorescent staining etc. This allows residents to work with basic scientists or more clinically-oriented pathologists who may not have their own laboratory space to do a variety of complex projects. The program encourages attendance at scientific meetings, both with a $850 budget for attending any meeting of the resident’s choice, but also by covering costs (i.e. registration, travel, hotel) of attending meetings where the resident’s work is being presented in oral or poster form. In addition we provide didactic lectures, mentors, and journal clubs so that all residents gain an understanding and appreciation for academic efforts in pathology and the skills required for life-long learning. These skills have historically translated into a wide array of awards and commendations for our residents.